[ talento ]

Talento was created in 2018 as an academic group project.
The redesign of Talento, a famous brazilian chocolate brand, seeks to better communicate with its millennials consumers.
The inicial research pointed out that millennials need to identify with their favorite brands.
To work with this concept, the group developed patterns inspired by four different personalities consumers may identify with. Each pattern was explored in the four main flavours.
At the end, the group suggested a new collection of four new products in which the product is inspired by the shapes of the patterns, exploring different innovations to the brand.

Original packaging

Some of the keywords of talento are creativity, diversity and "brazilianity".
none of them were represented in the brand's visual identity or packaging.
consumers pointed out that it comes across as outdated.

After an immersion in the world of the target audience, we understood the importance
of identification to these consumers. Since identification relates to self perception,
we started a research on personalities types. At the end, we grouped them into four common personalities, such as artistic, rational, radical and dreamer.

Each of the four personalities and patterns can be explored in multiple flavours,
only by varying the colours used. this way, the consumers can choose the
packaging they relate and identify the most.

As an innovation to the brand, the group also created a collection of four different products,
all inspired by the shapes of the patterns.

Julia Machado

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Projeto de redesign da marca de chocolates Talento com o objetivo de reposicionar a marca para atrair consumidores millennials
